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The Making of a Global Traveler

Sophia Elzie '20

Classical Languages

而索菲亚·埃尔齐在开始找大学的时候并没有考虑到女子大学, 在调查了她家乡附近的文理学院并了解了正规博彩十大网站排名之后, it was clear that it was the place that she needed to be. With opportunities to study her academic passions, travel abroad, and work collaboratively with supportive professors, Agnes Scott felt like the perfect choice. 在索菲亚大学期间,艾格尼丝·斯科特成了她的家. 美国的一个地方代表了一个热情和包容的环境,但也是一个推动她接受新的机会的社区,把她送到了世界各地. 她在艾格尼丝·斯科特的时光是由旅行塑造的,每年探索新的地方. 现在,她的生活正规博彩十大网站排名后没有什么不同,因为她导航她的第一个研究生的经历.

When she arrived at Agnes Scott, 索菲亚进入了一个支持性的环境,在那里她建立了追求令人兴奋的可能性的信心. The first of these experiences, her first-year Journey brought her to Chile. 全球之旅是一个为期8天的教师主导的沉浸式旅行,发生在学生在阿格尼斯的第二个学期. During her trip, 索菲亚能够在独裁统治的背景下深入研究艺术和文学的思想, 对课堂上一直被掩盖的思想进行扩展,直到春天的那个时候. 对她来说,这一探索凸显了理解艺术表达与社会正义之间的政治联系的重要性.

作为一名大一学生,她还在决定自己在艾格尼丝·斯科特的专业. 她对古典文学很感兴趣,努力在古典作品的研究中找到现代的相关性. Her experience in Chile highlighted that old, even ancient, 文学和文化可以与当今的政治激进主义联系起来. 这次旅行和她建立的人际关系巩固了她对古典文学的热情, 发现她的学术与现代的联系来自于对旧文本的当前解释, an area of study called Reception Studies. 这种关键的理解是什么驱使索菲亚继续追求古典在她的时间在正规博彩十大网站排名和以后.

After this trip, motivated to continue her global learning, 索菲亚充分利用了她的艾格尼丝·斯科特教授的指导,决定在希腊进行暑期实习. 认识到她的艾格尼丝·斯科特教授在整个过程中是多么的支持和用心, Sophia praises the support that she received, crediting it as the reason she was able to spend time in Greece.

“I think you have to be really, 真正意识到并自我激励去做这件事(在国外暑期实习),在一个环境中,你的教授并不真正熟悉你,也不会像他们在阿格尼斯那样照顾你。. Those are the kinds of opportunities that got me to where I am now.”

Sophia Elzie ’20 in Greece

正是在希腊,她得以扩大自己的国际交往,并对不仅仅是一名游客,而是一名旅行者的意义产生了理解. Recognizing that although she was traveling to study history and classics, she had to understand the current contexts that she was stepping into. Ultimately, 索菲亚以一种“负责任地融入周围文化”的方式培养了旅行的技能.

暑假结束后,索菲娅回到了艾格尼丝·斯科特,她选择了古典文学专业. She spent time in Decatur on campus, 进一步与艾格尼丝·斯科特社区中分享她的激情的人建立联系. Sophia decided that she was ready to experience international travel again, this time for the longest she had been away. Study abroad is common at Agnes Scott, 大约一半的学生决定在一年级结束后出国学习一个学期或一年.

索菲亚说,她在国外的时间是她全球教育的完美下一步,也是第一次全身心投入语言学习的好时机. Abroad in Milan, Italy, she started with introductory Italian classes and with the immersion, 她逐渐学会了在杂货店用意大利语交谈. 索菲亚还参加了她感兴趣的课程,如意大利烹饪和文学和电影中的黑手党,她相信自己有能力将在国外艾格尼丝·斯科特课堂上学到的技能转化为自己的技能. Her time abroad was not without its challenges, from securing a Visa to being alone in a foreign country. 索菲亚认为,这些挑战让她的经历变得更有价值,也让她为未来做好了准备.

最后一次回到她的家乡艾格尼丝·斯科特,回到她热爱的社区,开始她的大四生活——索菲亚意识到她想攻读古典文学硕士学位. When applying to schools, 她知道,她在阿格尼斯·斯科特的经历使她有资格去任何最适合她追求的地方. 她选择了英国牛津大学,攻读为期一年的希腊和/或拉丁语言文学硕士课程, an adventure that would again take her outside the United States. Sophia thinks of this experience as “the next stepping stone,她知道艾格尼丝·斯科特的每一次旅程不仅把她带到了这里,而且为她搬到英国做了准备. Sophia is in the U.K. now, working on her dissertation and studying Classics. 她也再次意识到,艾格尼丝·斯科特及其提供的支持是她在任何环境中茁壮成长的基础, 分享说她现在经常在她的项目中独立学习和工作, utilizing time management, a skill she perfected at Agnes. 索菲亚·埃尔齐和她在艾格尼丝·斯科特的非凡经历凸显了通过SUMMIT和全球学习建立联系的真正重要性.

“Being at Agnes prepared me really well to come into this level of freedom, actually being able to prioritize and set tasks for myself….如果我现在没有这些习惯,我就不知道我该怎么打发时间了. I am so self-driven - Agnes really prepared me well for that.”

About the Writer: Faith Rashidi-Yazd是正规博彩十大网站排名(Agnes Scott College)的入学经验研究员,自2016年作为学生入学以来一直是斯科特人. She enjoys spending time with her family, cooking vegan meals, and watching Hallmark holiday movies year-round!

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